Board of Occupational Therapy
Renewal applications were mailed on April 15, 2024. If you have been chosen for the random CE audit, your renewal application will indicate such and provide instruction on how to proceed. If you did not receive a renewal application and choose to complete the generic form below, please contact our office to determine if you have been chosen for audit.
All licenses expire on July 31st annually. In order to continue clinical practice, you are required to renew your license every year.
If you have not received your new pocket card by July 31, you must cease practice until your application has been processed. The Board no longer considers the postmark date for expiration of your license.
Continuing education (CE) must be attested to in even years. Only those selected for random audit will be required to submit proof of attendance and complete CE Log sheets along with their renewal application and fees.
Renewal Application- Available March 15th 2025
Continuing Education Log Sheet and Relevance Statement Form
SAMPLE Continuing Education Log Sheet and Relevance Statement Form
Open the form and download it from the file menu or print the form and complete it.
All renewal applications submitted after June 15 are subject to the late fee and must complete the CE Log Sheet and Relevance Statement.
You only need to submit the CE Log Sheet and Relevabce Statement Form if you were notified that you were selected for audit or if you are filing a late renewal after June 15.
Continuing Education Conversions
1 Contact Hour = one (1) hour or sixty minutes.
.1 AOTA CEUs = one (1) contact hour.
1.25 NBCOT Unit (PDU) = one (1) contact hour
For academic courses,
1 semester credit = equals fifteen (15) contact hours
1 quarter credit = ten (10) contact hours.
If your license is expired and you would like to renew your license please email